‘Backroads to the Rising’ is a community walk project devised by artists Aileen Lambert and Michael Fortune and commissioned by The Arts Department of Wexford County Council.
“Backroads to the Rising” set outs to remember the journeys undertaken by the men and women from throughout the county during the Rising. There are numerous accounts of walks and cycles undertaken by volunteers from Askamore and Kilmuckridge as they made their way into Enniscorthy for The Rising.
Through community involvement, walkers and cyclists will travel on four different routes – north, south, east and west – to converge in Enniscorthy for Centenary Celebrations on Easter Monday.
Location and Date
Four routes will lead into Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford.
- Route 1. Gorey/Ferns
- Route 2. Bunclody/Ballindaggin
- Route 3. Kilmuckridge/Blackwater/Oulart
- Route 4. Raheen/Adamstown
Easter Monday, March 28th, 2016
This is one of four projects Fortune and Lambert have been commissioned to undertake throughout the county.
More info at www.backroadstotherising.com